About the Project
The Local Governments and Sharing Economy (LGSE) project is designed to help local governments across North America strategically engage with the sharing economy to foster more sustainable cities. It is led by One Earth as part of Cities for People with advisors including April Rinne, Shareable, the Center for a New American Dream and in collaboration with local government leaders from Vancouver, Toronto, Denver, Flagstaff, Montreal, Portland and Victoria. These cities are part of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network – a peer-to-peer network of over 130 cities fostering innovation solutions.
The roadmap describes a sustainability filter (see image, right) which we use to analyze shared mobility, spaces, and goods and community sharing, and to take a lighter look at shared food and energy.
The roadmap describes a sustainability filter (see image, right) which we use to analyze shared mobility, spaces, and goods and community sharing, and to take a lighter look at shared food and energy.
- Discover what cities including Montréal, Austin, Vancouver, Portland and Toronto are doing to lead the way and what roles local governments can play in the Sharing Economy.
- Find out if car sharing, co-working spaces, clothing swaps and other Sharing Economy activities reduce our ecological footprints and increase social connection and resilience.
- Explore our analysis of Sharing Economy actors from community innovators to for-profit players such as Airbnb and Uber to the public sector.
Webinar About the Project (recording here)
Rosemary Cooper and Vanessa Timmer from One Earth, the lead authors of the Roadmap, shared highlights from the report in a November webinar that can be watched here. This was a discussion about the role that cities can play in aligning sharing economy activities with their own objectives, including moving towards sustainability.
Authors, Advisors and Partners
The LGSE Project is led by One Earth with outreach to member cities of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network. One Earth is a non-profit ‘think and do tank’ advancing sustainable production and consumption systems to achieve well being for all within the Earth’s life support systems. Thank you to the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation for supporting this roadmap and project as part of Cities for People.
Lead authors: Rosemary Cooper and Vanessa Timmer
Contributing authors: Larissa Ardis, Dwayne Appleby and Cora Hallsworth
Research and Support: Alicia Tallack, Lindsey Ridgway, Dagmar Timmer, Craig Massey and Chelsea Hunter, with additional research assistance received from: Stephanie Jones, Raymond Belmonte, Kristen Leigh, Emily Pearson, Jennifer Hunter, Vivian Luk, Jeff Wint, Sam Asiedu, Angeleco Goquingco, and Miles Rohrlick.
We are also grateful to the LGSE Advisory Committee composed of city members of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network from Canada and the USA:
Thank you to our LGSE project advisors:
We’d also like to thank the staff of a number of cities across North America who shared their efforts and concerns about the Sharing Economy, informing this project.
We would further like to thank The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, The Johnson Family Foundation, The Garfield Foundation, and The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread, who supported the Wingspread Sustainable Consumption and Production workshop where this project was sparked in October, 2013.
Additional acknowledgements are listed in the full Roadmap.
Organizations and affiliations are noted for identification purposes only and no formal endorsement by any particular organization or governmental body is implied.
Lead authors: Rosemary Cooper and Vanessa Timmer
Contributing authors: Larissa Ardis, Dwayne Appleby and Cora Hallsworth
Research and Support: Alicia Tallack, Lindsey Ridgway, Dagmar Timmer, Craig Massey and Chelsea Hunter, with additional research assistance received from: Stephanie Jones, Raymond Belmonte, Kristen Leigh, Emily Pearson, Jennifer Hunter, Vivian Luk, Jeff Wint, Sam Asiedu, Angeleco Goquingco, and Miles Rohrlick.
We are also grateful to the LGSE Advisory Committee composed of city members of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network from Canada and the USA:
- Arianne Sperry, Solid Waste and Recycling, City of Portland;
- Alicia Polacok, Residential Outreach Coordinator, City of Portland;
- Leslie Ng, Sustainability Specialist, City of Vancouver; Co-Chair USDN Sustainable Consumption User Group;
- Mark Bekkering, Manager, Environment and Energy, City of Toronto;
- Julie Saporito, Program Administrator, Department of Environmental Health, City & County of Denver;
- McKenzie Jones, Sustainability Specialist, City of Flagstaff; Co-Chair, USDN Sustainable Consumption User Group;
- Danielle Lussier, Team Leader, Sustainable Development, City of Montréal;
- Allison Ashcroft, Senior Planner, Environmental Issues, Sustainability, City of Victoria
Thank you to our LGSE project advisors:
- April Rinne, Sharing Economy Advisor, Consultant and Speaker;
- Neal Gorenflo, Co-Founder, Shareable;
- Wendy Philleo, Executive Director, Center for a New American Dream;
- Babe O’Sullivan, Sustainability Liaison, City of Eugene; Leader of Four USDN Innovation Projects;
- Juliet Schor, Professor, Sociology, Boston College.
We’d also like to thank the staff of a number of cities across North America who shared their efforts and concerns about the Sharing Economy, informing this project.
We would further like to thank The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, The Johnson Family Foundation, The Garfield Foundation, and The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread, who supported the Wingspread Sustainable Consumption and Production workshop where this project was sparked in October, 2013.
Additional acknowledgements are listed in the full Roadmap.
Organizations and affiliations are noted for identification purposes only and no formal endorsement by any particular organization or governmental body is implied.
One Earth
One Earth is a nonprofit ‘think and do’ tank based in Vancouver focused on advancing sustainable consumption and production patterns across local to global scales. The team collaborates with partners to highlight the links between who we are, what we buy, where we live, what we make, what we trade, and how we live together.
Urban Sustainability
Cities for People
Cities for People is an initiative that aims to explore the question: How can we enhance social, ecological and economic well-being and help civic cultures thrive? Cities for People is an experimental initiative – one that’s testing out approaches to shaping more livable and resilient cities.